3d Printing Work

22.3.09 By 2.bp.blogspot.com
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3D printing was a big mover at International CES in Las Vegas this year. Not only were smaller firms all completely owning the space, but Intel announced during its keynote it would be using its Intel RealSense 3D technology to power HP's new Multi Jet But what about the tools for your design work? Most often they are just considered utilitarian They aren’t down with lifeless numerical names stamped and branded on their 3D printers. Their formula, with the exception of FuzzyAvocado (due to a As with all new technology, 3D printers can have both positive and negative implications. In the case of these printers, they are a new means of production. For employees who work in the production and manufacturing of the products that can easily be made Creating custom wearables has been one of the hyped proposed uses for 3D printing. New York-based SOLS is putting the technology to work in footwear. The startup recently closed on a Series B round of $11.1 million from investors that include Lux Capital If you are new to 3d printing (like I once was) you might be wondering what the hype is all about, how does 3d printing work and how can I use it? A 3D printer has the ability to take 3D images that are created or scanned via a computer and then physically Sears's work is just one exciting aspect of 3D printing's potential impact on medicine -- from prosthetics, to the bioprinting of cells, to lifelike models of organs, to the possibility of printable, implantable tissue. Creating tailor-made robotic arms .

I figured it out in 20 and made a cutout of my company’s new logo. Andrew C. Oliver It took only 20 minutes for me to learn how to work this 3D printer and cut out my company's new logo. But this new generation of machines goes further. Laser cutters can The result led to a surprising scientific find. "As a result of doing this 3d printing work, we actually discovered these fingerlike protrusions that extend radially out of the spiral collision region," Madura said. "These are features that we didn't Some 3D printable healthcare solutions are still a work in progress. While transradial prosthetics for the hand are taking off, prosthetics for leg amputees still pose significant 3D printing challenges: Most easily available printers and print materials Cyfuse Biomedical K.K., makers of a 3D printer for living cells, have reported 1.4 billion yen ($12 million) in Series B funding for its overseas operations. Cyfuse’s Regenova printer uses an array of needles to skewer cellular aggregates. Once the .

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Sketched in some possible graphics.

And now it's story timenighty night.

borrowed the roomie's tablet againrendering practice.. btw thank

Posted by Vaughan Ling at 3:14 PM 2 comments:

assorted sets and props i worked on for tron uprising

How Does A 3d Printer Work Video

This is a pretty sorry excuse for a post, I know. By 4.bp.blogspot.com
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When combined with scanners, today's 3D printers do more than mold figurines out of plastic goop Oliver It took only 20 minutes for me to learn how to work this 3D printer and cut out my company's new logo. But this new generation of machines goes And the goods news is, all that hard work by Team Bednarz is expected to be cool, flowing water once again within the next couple of weeks, and winter will finally be waning into a bad memory. Have you ever used 3D printing to fight off the horrors of winter? As with all new technology, 3D printers can have both positive and negative implications. In the case of these printers, they are a new means of production. For employees who work in the production The public does not always understand the implications But how do 3D printers actually work? How can something that looks like our household Once you have a completed design, you send it to the 3D printer with the standard file extension .STL (for "stereolithography" or "Standard Tessellation Language"). 3D printers were invented by Chuck Hull as far back as 1983, but they recently rose to prominence after being used to make common items ranging from guns to body parts. But how do they work? Using a process known as “additive manufacturing,” 3D When cancer researcher Rosalie Sears, PhD, clicks the print button, ink does not spray onto a page Health and Science University in Portland. Sears's work is just one exciting aspect of 3D printing's potential impact on medicine -- from prosthetics .

Voxel8 has developed a 3D printer that allows users to add embedded electronic circuits to the plastic objects they create. The machine does so by printing with a silver ink that conducts electricity. The machine also works with the conventional Just in the last 12 months, he’s been proven correct: 3D printing is just getting started. Join me as I explore the ins-and-outs of 3D printing technology to learn how it works and what t need to own a personal 3D printer since there are already But it does gun printing. “They’re not thinking ‘now no one will be able to 3d print firearms,’” he says. “They’re thinking, ‘we don’t want to be associated with this high profile example of it.’” In a marketing video for its Once a fully tested part looks like it’s headed for general production, the GE Aviation team in Cincinnati does an initial slug of production-quality components, and then hands off their work to the additive manufacturing team in Auburn. “That’s the .

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in a bunch of my viswork lately so yea. He's a shifty character

Some interesting clouds from the other day..

ode to detroit

Gotto get it out of my system

3d Printing Human

Posted by Dianne McKenzie at 9:35 AM By 2.bp.blogspot.com
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“We have developed the only 3D printer that can run 24-7 without human interaction and that can be simply controlled from any device. Every other product on the market requires a skilled human operator to baby sit the machine and requires the use of a de Titled “3D Printing in Restorative Art,” the initiative seeks to Students will use 3D technology to explore elements of anatomy and practice reconstructing parts of the human body, which improves their marketability and prepares them to address To convert your 3D printer to reach unlimited height will only take you 10 wine bottles, life-sized (scanned) human sculptures or even an elephant! Last summer Joris executed the first project with his Z-Unlimited invention. Live at Schiphol airport MARIETTA — Shoes, hand tools, prosthetic limbs, car parts, clothes and even human cartilage — all of these can be fabricated using a relatively new piece of technology called a 3D printer. A 3D printer is a type of industrial robot that uses digital his internships at UAH and his continuing education at RIT provided him the opportunities to work in 3D printing and multi-rotor drone technology innovation. He is currently pursuing a master's degree in human-computer interaction at RIT through an online FONDA - The "bones" of a human hand, the pieces for a chess set and even moving gears have all been made by 3D printer in the Fonda-Fultonville Central School District, thanks to a community-minded student. .

3D printing enables the creator to go from a mind-bending concept will use wine as fuel and appear amazingly-human. If we believe experts, the most valued family possession in a decade won’t be a self-driving car or a similar piece of technology We love 3D printing for how it can make manufacturing highly customizable The technology has already brought a lot of good into the world, from printed medical devices that save human lives to prosthetics for animals, but, unfortunately, the tech (TRFW News) According to new research, scientists are able to develop a replica of a human heart by using 3D printing technology and this could potentially save many babies’ lives. Surgeons are able to precisely plan where to cut tissue, and reroute Bioprinting, or the process of creating human tissues through 3D printers, is a highly contested area of technological innovation. Theoretically it could save the economy billions on a global scale, whilst boosting weak or war-torn countries' access to .

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The Baby in Womb 3D

grb1529bec cro

Graffiti 4Dstyle

173. Non intrusive Load Monitoring and Diagnostics in Power Systems

3d Printing Bike

21.7.10 By 4.bp.blogspot.com
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3D printing works by feeding schematics into a machine that squeezes It is building a huge network of warehouses close to urban centers, is developing its own shipping network and has bike messengers bringing New Yorkers goods in as little as an Related: Amazon Fire TV review 3D printing Amazon orders isn’t the company’s only oddball scheme to cut shipping times, however. The company has recently trialled bike-borne couriers in Manhattan that promise one- or two-hour deliveries. What’s more 3D printing is becoming an increasingly versatile and cost effective way of manufacturing goods for businesses of all sizes. Today, anything from bikes to human ears can be printed and the limits to what is achievable is rapidly expanding. Thanks to 3D printing makes the prototype frame 1400 grams It's unlikely you'll see Empire's 3D printed Ti trail bike in a bike shop near you any time soon, but it's an incredible project and gives us a fantastic glimpse of the future of bike manufacturing. 3D printing is a manufacturing process that lets a designer “grow” complex structures that could be impossible to mill or cast. The first 3D bike rolled off a printer a couple years ago. Flying Machine Studios, based in Australia, has taken a hybrid It’s only ten days since we wrote about the titanium 3D-printed Empire Cycles MX-6 Evo mountain bike, a one-off machine designed to show what can be done with additive manufacturing. This article however is not about a one-off bicycle, but a bespoke .

Conceptually it’s the same idea: it’s a bike-mountable camera/light combo designed to make That’s outrageously cheap, even for a run-0f-the-mill 3D printer with half the print volume and a lower resolution. It’s definitely not the prettiest So what they did was grab some design plans and open-source software off the Internet, build their own 3D printer, strap it to a bike, and pedal around town asking people if they could have their used plastic cups. The machine, which they called Mobile Fab A local van will have a 3D printer in the back and will print your purchase and but not so much with the “I need a 10″ wrench” or “Can you print me out a bicycle with a 15″ frame”. Where Amazon will win will be the multiple designers Ford e-bike While the world’s automakers are busy exploring the The 3D Printed Selfies is the perfect marriage of 3D printing and selfies. The brainchild of a Swedish company Volumental and a Swiss company called Dacuda, a new app allows users .

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These were a ton of fun. Hope you enjoy.

Heres some renderings of the general idea.


1024x1024 diffuse 987 polygons

popcorn and boats

3d Printing University

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam By www.cs.vu.nl
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NEW PALTZ - Community colleges throughout the region will soon be offering programs in 3D printing technology, thanks to a plan by SUNY New Paltz that was announced Wednesday. The university has already ordered MakerBot 3D printers for the community Bierce has had a 3D printer for more than two years Joseph Williams, Assistant to the Dean of University Libraries, spearheaded this operation due to a rising number of comments about the deficiency of available outlets for students to charge their Founded by Dr. Jennifer A. Lewis, Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, the printer introduces a new level of 3D printing that includes being able to print functional materials, hardware, and intelligent software. It could use load-bearing supercapacitor printed circuit boards from Cambridge University in the UK and in-mold control parts will be printed into the car as it is built up by the 3D printing process. Components such as the battery, motor and wiring In Australia a group of researchers at Monash University, in Melbourne, has built an entire, albeit small, such engine this way. Rolls-Royce’s plan is to use 3D printing to construct the front bearing housing of its Trent XWB-97 engines. The bearing No matter how much precision and care the prosthetics experts at Loma Linda University Medical Center (LLUMC It wasn’t until recently, with the aid of a 3D printer, the experts were able to scan her healthy leg, reverse the image, and print an .

Stratasys has introduced a new 3D printing curriculum for educators. According to a company release, the full-semester, 14-week course is aimed to help prepare secondary and post-secondary students worldwide for careers being transformed by 3D printing. Cyfuse Biomedical, a Japanese 3D printing developer has raised ¥1.4 billion ($ venture capital firm Jafco, as well as the University of Tokyo Edge Capital. According to the biotechnology firm; the 'Regenova' three-dimensional printer, developed with 3D Printing - Australian researchers Thursday announced that a member of the scientific team. Wu Xinhua of Monash University indicates that his team spent a year on the project, and had created the engine by building it piece by piece and scanning Once a robotic pick and place, and a few more simultaneously printing heads are added to these things they will knock the complex parts out like crazy. Speaking of which, has anyone developed multi-head 3D printers A Columbia University team working .

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These Ancient Egyptian items are so rare that normally we don’t let

Malaysia Airlines 3D exhibition booth design

Posted by Mitchell Biggio at 1:44 AM


Happy Birthday Reggae

3d Printing Options

11.12.08 By 3.bp.blogspot.com
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As doctors and scientists continue to work on new ways to advance surgical options with 3D printing, a team of medical professionals at the Feinstein Institute for Medical Research in Manhasset, N.Y., are 3D-printing tracheal segments using living cells. 3D printing is not magic. It is simply a way to scale up the We are exploring a variety of options that include printing oxygen-generating materials into the structures; printing micro-channels that can maximize the diffusion of nutrients and oxygen So as much as the Velleman printer was easy to use and came with very clear instructions, I still couldn't quite make it work for me. That's when I turned to option two. I headed down to a 3D printing space in Shoreditch called the makersCAFE, presented by Momentum in the 3D printing market continues to build with Canon the latest to make moves to ensure it has access to a range of products that can deliver three dimensional results. The firm has secured a partnership with 3D Systems and will act as a Feeding the crew of a space shuttle has become more and more difficult as the length of missions increases. Scientists testing the technology for NASA say 3D printing could give food a longer shelf-life and also give crew more dining options. Davidson expects the new era of 3D printing in healthcare will really break open when medical students are trained to use the technology and consider it when exploring treatment options for their patients. “I think there will be a new wave of schools and .

We treat a wide variety of patients and, with some patients, the current one-size-fits-all devices are not an option. 3D printing gives us the ability to craft devices that are better suited for certain patient populations that are traditionally tough to Using 3D printing technology, the researchers developed bioactive the current one-size-fits-all devices are not an option,” said D’Agostino. Researchers added added that this particular technology allows them to “construct devices that meet Responding to the limited range of novel materials available in 3D printing, these developments will provide designers and even electrical engineers with more options to create useful objects with the technology. Dr. Lewis added: “I am excited to Experts there used CT scans sent over by her doctors to build moulds using a 3D printer. The implants were then made using were an ­improvement on the normal “off-the shelf” option. He explained: “They can click and don’t feel like your .

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skate car


Progress on a model of the gyrocopter, it's going slow trying to get

City thumb 2

Transparent Letters

3d Prototype Printer

Took the green/white racer for another spin, some other ideas mixed in By 2.bp.blogspot.com
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all kinds of things with 3D printers, but some of the most innovative creations yet have been edible ones. Does 3D printing really have what it takes to transform the food industry? Have a look at some prototype snacks and decide for yourself. The 3D printers, services, and software have opened many doors in Let us know your thoughts on how 3D printing is changing the prototyping industry. Discuss in the 3D Printing and Prototyping forum thread on 3DPB.com. What exactly is the promise of 3D printing organs and tissues (Story continues below image.) A 3-D printer at Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine at work on a kidney prototype. What challenges are you facing? Scientists have successfully MakerBot customers in Australia already include engineers, architects, designers, educators and consumers, who use MakerBot Replicator 3D Printers for Real-Time Prototyping™. Melbourne-based design firm Chijoff+Co, for example, recently 3D printed 80 recently 3D printed 80 prototypes of a new product on its MakerBot Replicator 2 Desktop 3D Printer before taking the next step and producing the final prototype in a high-tech polymer. Its founder Michael Chijoff said that having access to 3D printing A 3D printer has the ability to take 3D images that are created Creating a mold is costly and time consuming, so if you are creating a prototype and there is a mistake, or there is something you need to fix, you would need to create a brand new mold. .

Exerial 3D printer marks evolution in company's machine portfolio from rapid prototyping to industrial series production Largest ExOne system to-date offers multiple industrial stations and continuous production and processing Company in latter stages of R Startups making 3D printers have electrified the tech industry He thinks they’ll be used for prototyping, and one application could be designing wearable or customizable medical devices, but he said the company’s strategy is to work with designers The RS IdeaWerk employs the popular FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling) technology and offers high-level specifications including a build volume of 150 x 150 x 140mm and a minimum layer thickness resolution of 0.18mm. The single-head system accepts 1.75mm Glowforge, a once secretive hardware-and-software company founded by startup veteran Dan Shapiro, has raised $1.265 million to build what it calls “the first 3D laser printer VF-4 milling machine used for prototyping, nicknamed “Millie.” .

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This weekend's homework

Aaand here is the 240z running for a respectable 40 seconds!

Turning this kind of thing in for class is such a wonderful new

Posted by Vaughan Ling at 2:12 AM

They had a little tuner section in the corner too..

3d Printing And The Future Of Manufacturing

What is the future of creativity, manufacturing, and design? How is By www.david-laserscanner.com
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Renishaw has collaborated with Materialise, a leading provider of additive manufacturing software and of sophisticated 3D printing solutions for medical the customers' needs both today and into the future, backed up by responsive, expert technical With a recently released animation entitled “We Start the Future of Construction,” Coop Himmelb(l complex forms that can be modeled with the aid of CNC machining and 3D Printing, but still there remains a wide gap between the technologies There’s a manufacturing revolution results are fantastic. True 3D printing with metal is still off in the future, but researchers are beginning to explore this new frontier. This GIF shows an experimental metal printer that operates at room temperature. The Asian manufacturing sector has also realized the importance of adopting the 3rd platform (cloud, mobility, Big Data/analytics, social) and beyond to what IDC calls the "Innovation Accelerators" [robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), 3D printing The potential of 3D printing and robotics is nothing if not inspiring, but it's difficult even to imagine the extent of the inroads they will make in our manufacturing base can only see this increasing in the future. No more waiting for a requisition In the quest to help make athletes better, Nike is accelerating the footwear manufacturing process through 3D printing technology In a farfetched future, we may imagine to 3D-print our own car and download the Google self-driving car OS to hit the .

We believe that conventional manufacturing will not be replaced by 3D printing anytime in the near future. The expiry of patents will result in an increase in supply of low cost printers, aiding the growth of the industry but affecting the big guns. While 3D printing has been known since government’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory Manufacturing Demonstration Facility. Last month at Detroit’s North American International Auto Show, both had 3D printed electric cars they’d whipped together The Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Research Group (3DPRG) at the University of Nottingham is recognised as the world's leading research centre in the field and is a sponsor and adviser to the exhibition, 3D: Printing the Future. This video is not In the near future we'll even see 3D printers have the ability it is something that manufacturers of all sizes can no longer ignore. Whether you call it 3D printing or Additive Manufacturing, it is advancing quickly on a global level and offers .

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3D Printed Toy Car

simplest example of tensegrity, similar

attention new technology ahead the hardware needed for 3d printing

Image: find3dprinter.com

Need a dumpster on your layout? Print it!

Three Dimensional Printing Process

5a is a representation of an exemplary nanoheater system fig 5b By 1.bp.blogspot.com
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Three-dimensional printing has been used to make everything We are continuing to refine our printers to increase printing resolution and learning how to keep the printing process from damaging cells. In addition, we are making advances in identifying A three dimensional printer was installed in Walcha Library yesterday and the community is invited to come along and explore the potential of this new technology. The 3D printing or “additive manufacturing” is a process of making three dimensional Three dimensional printing was first developed in the late 1980s Importantly, they found that this ink system allowed the cells to survive the printing process. Moreover, the gel matrix was found to be permeable to the nutrients required to sustain The library has installed a 3-D printer that will allow users to print three-dimensional objects. It can process a print job in as little Cost is 10 cents a gram, with a minimum printing job of one dollar. The printer will be available to the public O’Fallon Township High School students and staff have been getting their hands dirty with innovative cutting-edge technology this year—three dimensional printing involved and complicated the creation process can be or have limited exposure A gel that can be infused with live cells and nutrients makes a promising material for printing three-dimensional tissues such as artificial and showed that the cells survived the printing process and remained functional. Unlike some previous .

March 5, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The ExOne Company (Nasdaq:XONE), a global provider of three-dimensional printing machines and printed products "We are investing in the latter stages of our R&D process for the Exerial as we respond to an initial The major alternative being that 3D printing takes place at specified While that is different in that it’s not a three-dimensional object being produced, it is, in essence, the same process. A food truck conjures up similar issues, although those Bentley Motors has been at the forefront of using 3D printing and additive manufacturing as key and the Bentley’s quilted interior leather pattern inspired a three-dimensional texture placed on the glass used in the headlamps. Three-dimensional printing of polymer, metal or ceramic components is an additive manufacturing technology and enables the manufacture of individual and complex products for a variety of applications. Up to now, this manufacturing process has been a batch .

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3D Printing Examples

3D Inkjet Printer